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I was born and raised in the capital of India, Delhi. At the age of 16, I discovered my passion for dancing. Especially the beautiful art of ballet and through it yoga, which captured my eyes and sank into my heart.
In India, I have studied different dance styles and practiced yoga and meditation.
Besides studying, I was teaching ballet and perfomed on several stages in India and China.
In order to enhance my knowledge, I came to Switzerland in 2017 and joined a ballet school, to become a professional dancer and teacher.
As a dance artist, choreographer and dance educator, dancing has been an integral part of my lifestyle and growth. Dance can enhance the society, provide a different perspective and contributes to physical well being.
After completing my education in ballet, I did an internationally certified yoga course in India to become a yoga and meditation teacher. As an Indian yoga has always been a part of my life. Yoga made me learn the importance of being in the moment, to connect with my inner self and through meditation my mind learnt the importance of stillness.
Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.
After years of education in ballet and yoga, I want to spread the ballet and ancient Indian art of yoga to people to make them understand the significance of ballet and yoga and how it influences the body, mind and soul.